Saturday, January 4, 2020

5 Best Remedies for the Stomach Flu

This usually means drinking plenty of water, juices, and broth. If drinking liquids upsets your stomach or causes vomiting, your doctor might recommend getting IV fluids. Asafetida, also known as hing, has antispasmodic and antiflatulent properties that help treat stomach aches caused by gas or indigestion.

stomach ache due to cold home remedies

However, the risk may increase with regular or frequent consumption and may not affect those who consume white rice to help with stomach pain. Figs contain substances acting as laxatives to ease constipation and encourage healthy bowel movements. Figs also contain compounds that may help to ease indigestion.

What can cause a cold stomach when working out?

The times when they told us to eat soaked almonds daily or told us to gulp a tall glass of milk for stronger bones. And the time when they force-fed us ghee saying it would make us healthy. Make sure your child is well hydrated and give ample rest for the child. If your child is hungry give foods that bland and easily digestible, and can calm an upset stomach like rice, toast, banana. Here is an exhaustive list of Effective Home Remedies for Stomach pain in Kids that help relieve pain naturally. Triphala Powder – Steeped in water and consumed at night, this herbal powder is thought to help with gastric issues.

stomach ache due to cold home remedies

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Any of these symptoms may signal something that's wrong, such as an infection or illness, that requires medical attention. Seltzer and lime are found in popular carbonated sodas like 7-Up and Sprite but can also be made without sugar by squeezing fresh lime into a glass of seltzer or soda water. There are even OTC products like Alka-Selzer Heartburn Relief that contain lemon and lime flavoring. Heating pads are also useful for people with IBS by easing cramping and spasms.

home remedies for an upset stomach

Like the benefits that ginger and apple cider vinegar offer, peppermint essential oil acts in a similar way. If you don’t have ginger or ACV on hand when a stomachache hits but peppermint oil in your cabinets, this can be a great way to help relive the pain. If a person experiences stomach pain that does not go away or believes it may be a symptom of another condition, they should contact a doctor.

Ginger is a fragrant root that has been used for centuries to treat stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. Verywell Health articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and healthcare professionals. These medical reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Follow these quick tips from health experts to find relief. To avoid aggravating an already upset stomach, look for bland foods without salt or spices.

Should You Treat Your Stomach Pain at Home?

Appendicitis is when the appendix becomes swollen and inflamed. This results in sharp pain which starts in the middle of the abdomen and then moves to the lower right side. Intussusception is rarer, and happens when part of the stomach slides into or over itself, blocking it. One should seek immediate medical care if he or she experiences chest pain, shortness of breath or jaw or arm pain.

You’ll save money and a trip to the doctor, and you’ll probably feel better more quickly, too. Some natural and simple home remedies can give you quick relief. These home remedies are particularly effective for stomach aches due to indigestion, gas, bloating and similar conditions. In some children, stomach pains come and go, with no apparent reason. This is referred to as Recurrent Abdominal Pain or RAP.

Go for plain yogurt rather than the sweetened kind, since sugar can upset your stomach and throw off your balance of gut bacteria even more. If you can’t stomach the taste of plain yogurt, drizzle a little honey over the top or mix in a few berries. Chew on half a teaspoon of them, or steep them in hot water to make fennel tea. A warm cup of tea is especially good for soothing your stomach. Keep reading to learn how to get rid of a stomach ache. Be sure to also consider using some of the pre-meal recommendations provided in this post, such as drinking ACV or water before a meal to help overall digestion.

stomach ache due to cold home remedies

You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Treatment includes resting, staying hydrated, and taking OTC pain relievers. Some people may require medications for secondary infections. Treatment may include taking antibiotics and other medications. Using heating pads, making dietary changes, and making lifestyle changes may provide some symptom relief.

Home Remedies for a Stomach Ache

Choose clear fluids like water, broth or diluted fruit juice. Place a hot water bottle or a heating pad on the tummy when lying down. Heat helps increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, taking away from the pain inside the abdomen. Some children have alternating diarrhea and constipation along with a general stomach pain that worsens at night – this is usually due to irritable bowel syndrome.

This advanced natural therapy device is available here. Get it now and say goodbye to unmanageable stomach pain. HealthyLine places a unique spin on heating pads with the inclusion of natural gemstones. Rather than heating the body directly, the gemstones act as a mediator that converts the heat into far infrared rays.

Honeydew Melon: Origins, Nutritional Value and Health Benefits

Chamomile tea eases tension throughout your body and reduces inflammation in your stomach, which can help with stomach pain. Gastritis is another name for inflammation of the stomach lining. It can be caused by a number of things, including bacterial infections, the use of certain drugs, age, or tobacco or alcohol use. Gastritis can cause upper stomach pain, nausea, and a feeling of fullness in your stomach.

stomach ache due to cold home remedies

If you experience severe or frequent GERD symptoms and take over-the-counter medications frequently or if home remedies are not working for you, you must consult a doctor. Sometimes stomach pain can be caused by indigestion or a buildup of gas that sits in your stomach. Drinking soda water can encourage you to burp, releasing the stuck gas.

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